The Organizing Committee of the Award receives the dossier and establishes a scientific council to consider rewards according to the field. This year’s award has a total of 12 fields, including: Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technology; Biotechnology – Biomedical; Information Technology; Food Technology; Education; Economy; Technology; Agriculture, Forestry and fishery; Juridical; Planning, Architecture and Construction; Resources and Environment, Society and Humanities. In each industry in a contest field, each school is introduced with up to 07 scientific research topics participating in the Award.

Time to receive applications and topics to participate in the Award on September 30, 2019 at the Center for Science and Technological Development for Youth – Ho Chi Minh Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh City (No. 01, Pham Ngoc Thach, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City), Tel: (028) 38.233.363 or (028) 73.087.007, Email: [email protected]; Website: For remote provinces and cities, it is possible to submit applications by post by September 30, 2019. The Organizing Committee does not accept the topics of submissions after September 30, 2019.

The activities of the Award go through 03 stages:

Stage 1: (from April 2019 to September 2019): Organizing the deployment, propagate and introduce the 21th Scientific Research Student Award – Euréka in 2019. Specific contents:

– Organizing conferences to deploy the plan and rules of the Award to provinces, Youth Union and schools; propaganda and introduction to the whole society about the 21st Student Scientific Research Award – Euréka in 2019;

– Support schools to organize conferences, thematic reports on scientific research methods, innovative methodologies; support students in schools to consult topics from the bank and Euréka scientific research library;

– Receive participation topics from colleges, universities and institutes.

Stage 2: (from October 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019): synthesizing, classifying topics, conducting judging and organizing the summation and award ceremony.

– Examination of the prequalification round: carried out by the schools before being transferred to the Organizing Committee.

– Examining the semi-finals (from October 10 to October 25, 2019): The Organizing Committee of the Award established scientific councils for each specialization and field, judged, selected topics into the final round. .

– Organize the final round and award ceremony: (from November 1 to November 20, 2019): The final round is organized with many activities to create exchange and connect candidates. Specifically, candidates will be able to eat, stay, and concentrate on activities for 3 days and participate in many activities of the Award such as: presenting topics before the Science Council; Exchange with students of universities and colleges; Visit key projects of the city. Ho Chi Minh City, High-Tech Park, High-Tech Agriculture Zone, Biotechnology Center; visit the historic sites of the city; join the Euréka Scientific Research Student Camp.

Stage 3:  After the closing ceremony and deploy applications.

– Introduction to register for participation in the Young Science and Technology Incubator Program; introduce participation in competitions, scientific and technical creativity awards.

The organizers and representatives of the scientific council meet to consider from the topics that won the first prize of all fields, select a quality project with the highest score (required to achieve 95 points or more) ) for the special award, worth: VND 20,000,000 / prize + Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Creative Youth Badge. There will be a structure and prize level for each exam area:

+ 01 First Prize: VND 10,000,000 / prize + Merit of Ministry of Science and Technology, Creative Youth Badge.

+ 01 Second Prize: 5,000,000 VND / prize + Certificate of Merit for City Youth Union. Ho Chi Minh.

+ 01 Third Prize: 3,000,000 VND / prize + Certificate of Merit for City Youth Union. Ho Chi Minh.

+ Consolation prizes: VND 2,000,000 / prize + Certificate of Merit for City Youth Union. Ho Chi Minh.

All authors of scientific research projects participating in the Award will be awarded the Certificate of Participation in the Student Scientific Research Award – Euréka for the 21st year in 2019.

Instructors have students who win special prizes and first prize will be awarded certificates of merit from the Board of Directors of National University of Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City, instructors with contestants who have won the second prize and the third prize will be awarded the certificate of merit from the City Youth Union. Ho Chi Minh.

The special award and first prize will be reviewed and organized by the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Council and published in the Youth Science Journal of the  Center of  Science and Technology Development for Youth (ISSN: 2354 – 1105), or Journal of Science and Technology Development of National University of Ho Chi Minh City after being criticized by the Science Council.

Besides, after the closing ceremony and awarding ceremony, the Center of Science and Technology Development for Youth – Ho Chi Minh Youth Union of Ho Chi Minh City will supports to introduce topics that are highly applicable to agencies and businesses to deploy applications; Introduction to register for participation in the Young Science and Technology Incubator Program; introduce participation in competitions, scientific and technical creativity awards.

Camp of Students for Scientific Research – Euréka:

The Organizing Committee of the Awards organizes a Student Research Camp for students who participated in the Euréka Prize, the author, the group of authors and the Teachers to guide students in scientific research and youth union members. like scientific research activities.

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